The difficulty of building a logistics technology company is one of the most difficult things due many requirements and the lack of skilled in this field. Here at LOGSTIAT, we have a great team that studies your requirements and builds your entire logistics technology company.

Study Stage

LOGSTIAT team studies your real needs and requirements to build TECH company based on the available budgets and  required tools. We do fully study of expenses and costs to complete this project with confidence and with great success.

We have the great flexibility to build the company according to your budget, whatever is.

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logsteiat tehcnology

Implementation Stage

After studying the project, we will implement the requirements with a clear timeline for all the points that have been agreed upon in terms of tech requirements, human resource requirements and other departments

All requirements will be carried out professionally

Launch Stage

LOGSTIAT team, after many reviews of the company’s for the tech requirements, will makes sure that all work is completed, and then we start the launch Stage.

Our focus on your success is one of our top priorities.

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Social Media logstiat

Tech & Support Team

We will follow up your business step by step and make sure that you reach your goal according to the business plan that was made and agreed upon between the partner and LOGSTIAT.

Our goal is to make your company’s name and services known to everyone in to all channels.

Additional Services




Annual Plan





Tasks of each department/employee


Flexible strategies in logistics consulting Modular systems is our key for maximum flexibility. They allow you to react to evolving business demands at the drop of a hat and dynamically adjust your capacities as material throughput increases

Shipping Companies
E-commerce Platforms
Number of Customers
Number of Shipments
Still Need Help

We are happy to assist you if you have any questions

Online Meting

To understand your requirements we can meet online

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We are open to any partnership that might make our services better
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